
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be.”

Matthew 6:21

Note from our Pastor

In the gospel of Luke, we read the story of Jesus and the tax collector Zacchaeus (Luke 19). In response to his life changing encounter with the Lord, his heart is changed when it comes to giving. Previously he used people to serve money. Now he resolves to use money to serve people.

Zacchaeus’ example reminds us that our heart follows our money. Giving and using money in a God honoring way moves us in God’s direction.

Your giving to our parish matters because it is an investment in our community, an investment in the next generation and an investment in reaching people far from God with the message of Christ’s love. But your giving to Nativity matters most because it can move your heart closer to the heart of the Lord. Thank you for your investment and thank you for your support.



Fr. Michael White


Blessed to be a Blessing

When you give in your place of worship as an act of worship, you are becoming more of the person God wants you to be. When you give, you are tangibly making a difference in someone’s life. Marriages are restored, lives are healed, and people meet Jesus. There’s no better investment in the world than the local parish.

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