Welcome to NextGen Kids!

We want church to be a place where every kid is known and noticed. We do that by creating worship environments that invite and excite everyone from 6 weeks old through fourth grade. All year round, your kids are invited to our campus for All Stars (ages 6 weeks – 6 years) and Time Travelers (Grades 1-4). These programs take place during Mass. There’s no sign-up–just show up and ask us what to do. From September to May for kids in grades 1-4, Quest is their first small group experience. Kids find friends in faith and experience everything from science experiments to brain teasers to laugh-out-loud skits that help them to know Jesus loves them (and that’s cool!). There really is something for every age and every stage.

Time Travelers and All Stars Online

  • We have online presentations for our weekly in-Mass Kids programs called Time Travelers and All Stars. Check them out.

From 6 weeks to 4th grade.

Find the right program for your child.

  • 6 Weeks to 6 Years
  • Grades 1-4
  • Grades 1-4
  • Grades 5-12
  • All Stars

    Our youngest children will dance, sing, play, and use their imagination as they hear Bible stories, meet heroes of our faith, and become familiar with God, their Heavenly Father. All Stars isn’t babysitting but a worship experience for preschoolers starting as young as six weeks and going all the way to age five.  Watch this week’s Kids message online here.

    In person All Stars occurs during every weekend Mass
    Saturday 5pm
    Sunday 9am
    Sunday 11am

    If you are interested in coming in person, let us know ahead of time by registering here.

  • Time Travelers

    The Word of God comes alive for kids in grades 1-4 as they join Time Travelers during Mass for a special message that takes them back in time to the same Bible stories adults are hearing in the Sanctuary. Through music, videos, stories, games, and friends, Time Travelers will learn how God’s Word can help them make wise choices, that they can trust God no matter what, and how to love God with their whole heart, soul, and mind.

    Time Travelers occurs during every weekend Mass
    Saturday 5pm
    Sunday 9am
    Sunday 11am

    Watch this week’s Time Travelers video online here.

  • Quest

    Kids find friends in faith and experience everything from science experiments to brain teasers to laugh-out-loud skits that help them know Jesus loves them (and that’s cool!). We learn and worship in Mass, and we grow in small groups. In Quest, kids are in a consistent group each week that prays together and plays together. Their faith will change and grow, they will laugh, they will ask questions, and they will start with a small group that we hope will be consistent throughout their childhood and adolescence in Next Gen Ministry.

    Quest Times
    Saturday 6:05-6:35pm
    Sunday 8:25-8:55am
    Sunday 10:25-10:55am
    Interested in registering for Quest? Register here.

  • Students

    If anyone is going to change the world, it’s the next generation. Our student ministry is for students in 5-12th grade. It’s designed to give them a place where they can connect with God, with other people, and have fun. Learn more about programs for students here

The Buddy Ministry exists to help kids and students with special needs access our programs and ministries, while growing in a relationship with Christ in a safe and accepting environment. 

Is your family new to Nativity?

We know dropping your child off in a new place can be intimidating. We can help! We welcome hundreds of kids safely each week and create irresistible environments for them to worship in age-appropriate ways. If you’re planning a visit, let us know you’re coming. You can complete the brief form below and let our ministers know that you’re new. We will show you around, let you know what we offer, and bring you to the right place for your child to check in.


Your child is important to us. On your first visit, we will need the following personal information: parent/legal guardian names, children’s names, birthdates, address, phone number and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for each child. Want to save time on your first visit? Fill out the new family registration form ahead of time!


Your child’s safety is our first and foremost priority. All Kids ministers must pass a background check, and we employ off-duty police. We use a security tag system for check-in and pick-up, and we use a text messaging system to contact parents if we need to reach you during Mass. For more information on our child and youth protection policies, please visit the Archdiocese of Baltimore website.

We pride ourselves on our values, and two of our Next Gen values are being safe and relational. We follow the COVID guidelines set forth by the State of Maryland, Baltimore County, and the Archdiocese of Baltimore. If the guidelines for these three entities differ, we will follow the most restrictive in an attempt to be as safe and obedient as possible. Our Next Gen Team appreciates your adaptability and patience.


Our Sacramental Preparation program is designed as a faith journey for kids and their parents to take together.