“I am the living bread that came down from heaven” John 6:51
What is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. When we faithfully receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, we grow deeper in communion with God and fellowship with one another.

First Communion
Our Sacramental Preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Communion is designed as a faith journey for kids, and their parents to take together. To prepare for First Reconciliation and First Communion, kids entering into 2nd grade or up, must be enrolled in Quest or Resurrection, our NextGen Faith Formation programs and participate in our Sacramental Preparation Workshops. Registration for First Reconciliation and First Communion begins in September and will be sent to families who are enrolled in Quest or Resurrection.
Families who are registered for Quest or Resurrection will receive information regarding our virtual First Communion parent info night.
Your Catholic Journey
If you’re an adult thinking about receiving First Communion or thinking about becoming Catholic, your next step is our Ignite program (formerly known as our Vantage Point program)