Lent 2024
Lent is the Church’s annual season of preparation for Easter. The faithful and those new to faith are encouraged to greater attention to the word of God as they grow more deeply as disciples of Christ. Renewed efforts in prayer, penance, and giving nobly characterize this season. This year of Eucharistic Revival will also bring greater emphasis on full active participation at Lenten Masses. At Nativity there are a wealth of opportunities to observe Lent and we invite you and your family to join us.
Holy Mass
Monday – Friday 5:30pm in the Chapel
Saturdays 5pm/Sundays 9 & 11am in the Church & online
in the Sanctuary
Saturdays: 12:00-12:45pm
Holy Wednesday, March 27: 4-5pm
Good Friday, March 29th: 9:00am -3:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Saturdays: 12n-1pm – in the Church
Sundays: 9am – 12n – in the Chapel
Holy Thursday, Night Watch, March 28th, 6pm – 12am – in the Sanctuary
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick – after all Masses March 16 & 17 – in the Church
The Rosary
Monday-Friday: 5:00pm – in the Chapel
Stations of the Cross
Fridays: 4:15pm – in the Chapel
Good Friday, March 29: 5:30pm – in the Church & online
Giving & Almsgiving
The foundational call of Christians to charity is a frequent theme of the Gospels
and a special project of Lent. We are asked to focus more intently on
“almsgiving” which means the provision of goods and services, works of mercy
and charity, or financial support to the “poor” as they are present around us.
Giving also includes our tithe or offering, our worship offering in our place of
worship as an act of worship. To learn more about giving to Nativity please
click this link.
During Lent the faithful also have the opportunity to participate in the
Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries.
The Appeal supports the work of Catholic Parishes, Catholic Charities, and
Catholic Schools throughout the Archdiocese and is our annual opportunity to
lend a helping hand to so much good and great work that goes on throughout
the year.
Lenten Message Series
& Small Group Program
Rebuilt Faith, written by Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran proposes five simple steps to learn (or relearn) more about our Catholic faith and deepen our relationship with God. Rebuilding and renewing our faith starts with a nagging feeling that we want something more—more connectedness, more community, and more purpose. That’s the spark that leads to a flame that burns brightly around Jesus, the foundation of living and growing in faith. Rebuilt Faith will be the theme of our weekend message series (homilies) throughout Lent. It will also be the focus of all our small group discussions during this season. We’re also encouraging parishioners to read the book this Lent and make a commitment to a small group experience in Lent. churchnativity.com/groups
All weekend Masses February 10 through March 17.
Fasting & Abstinence
When fasting, a person eats one full meal and two smaller, simpler ones only.
All the faithful are also called to abstain from meat on that day as well as all the
Fridays of Lent. “Giving up” other foods and drink, such as desserts or wine,
are also encouraged as personal penances.
Lenten Service Projects
Throughout the season of Lent Nativity is offering dozens of service projects
right here in our own city of Baltimore. Serve with friends, serve with family
members, serve from home. Check it all out and sign up to serve this
season: churchnativity.com/missions/opportunities