Traveler Stories

Steve’s Story
God was put first in all things.
Kenya 2022
Jambo! My name is Steve Sullivan and I traveled for the first time with the Church of the Nativity, internationally to Kiu, Kenya in the Fall of 2022. My trip was the first trip back to the community and country since the COVID pandemic. Due to this the community was very excited to have us back and show us all the progress they had made through the 410 Bridge program. Being that this was my first trip through Nativity and the 410 Bridge I tried to limit my expectations and just be open to the experience and present in the moment. I tried to lean into the trip prep, learning more about what to expect when in country, but really held to the only expectation that I had which was this trip would be a good life experience, and it certainly was.
One moment of impact that stuck out to me among many, was arriving at one of the primary schools for the first time. Our truck was immediately surrounded by hundreds of kids in uniform, singing, dancing and clapping with huge smiles on their faces, anxious to welcome us into their school and show us around. I loved the opportunity to bring some American Woofle Ball to the Kiu community and teach the kids how to play.
God was seen in so many ways and places within the community but most definitely in the spirituality of the people we met from the community and the in country 410 Bridge leaders. God was put first in all things and it showed in their homes, businesses and farms. The community members did not seem to have much as compared to families in the US, but you would not know it, due to how happy, excited and energetic the community members were during our time there.