Holy Week

Holy Week Schedule

Saturday, April 12

12n-1pm Confessions
5pm The Vigil of Palm Sunday
Including the blessing and distribution of palms and the reading of the Passion.
Children’s programs and Café Service available.
Live Streamed.

Sunday, April 13
9am, 11am and 5:30pm Masses for Palm Sunday
Including the blessing and distribution of palms and the reading of the Passion.
Children’s programs and Café Service available.
Live Streamed.
9am -12n Eucharistic Adoration In the Chapel.

Monday, April 14 | Tuesday, April 15 | Wednesday, April 16
9am – 5pm Chapel open for quiet prayer. Use Vista Lane entrance.
4-5pm Confessions In the Church, Wednesday only.
5pm Rosary In the Chapel.
5:30pm Daily Mass In the Chapel.

Holy Thursday, April 17
9am – 5pm Chapel open for quiet prayer. Use Vista lane entrance.
5:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper In the Church.
6:30pm Solemn Procession of the Eucharist From Church to Chapel.
6:30pm – 12m “Night Watch” Eucharistic Adoration
In the Chapel, use Vista Lane entrance.

Good Friday, April 18
9am-7pm Church open for quiet prayer.
2pm-5pm Confessions
3pm Service of the Lord’s Passion
Including adoration of the Holy Cross and Communion
5:30pm Stations of the Cross
Live streamed.

Holy Saturday, April 19
5:30pm The Great Vigil of Easter
Including the Rites of Christian Initiation.
Live streamed.

Easter Sunday, April 20
8, 10am, 12n Mass for Easter Sunday
Including the renewal of Baptismal Promises and the Rite of Sprinkling.
Video venues available in the Theatre and Pavilion.
Live streamed.
Shuttle service available on Ridgely Road.
Children’s programs and kid friendly seating available.
Limited Café service available on the Plaza.