Experience God.
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Saturdays @ 5pm | Sundays @ 9 & 11am, 5:30pm* ET
20 E Ridgely Road Timonium, MD
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Welcome to Nativity
We are a Roman Catholic community of faith in North Baltimore dedicated to reaching unchurched Catholics and everyone with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to Love God. Love Others. Make Disciples. We want to welcome you, whoever you are and wherever you’re coming from.
Gather in Person
We would love to see you at one of our weekend masses at our beautiful, Baltimore area campus located in Timonium, MD. Join us at 5pm on Saturdays, or 9am, 11am, or 5:30pm* on Sundays.
Nativity Online
If you’re unable to join us in-person, you can join us online Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 9am and 11am. If you miss a week, you can watch our past messages as well.
Kids & Students
Children’s programs for kids age 6 weeks through 4th grade are available at all Masses. Student programs for kids in grades 5th-12th are held on Sunday evenings.
Plan a Visit
Our welcoming campus is located in the heart of Timonium just a 10 minute drive to Baltimore. With a sanctuary seating 1,500 people and a cafe for fellowship after mass, you’ll want to stay a while.
Your Next S.T.E.P.S.
Jesus came not to be served but to serve. To become like Jesus we strive to do the same. We’re looking for people who want to create remarkable experiences for everyone who comes through our doors. While people may not remember every detail of their experience with us, they will remember how we made them feel. Our goal is to create an irresistible environment every time we serve.
Your Next S.T.E.P.S.
Tithe or Give
Jesus said your heart follows wherever you put your money. We grow in generosity and for love of God and others as we progress in giving financially. We give back to God in response to his incredible generosity of giving us his Son. Tithing and giving has the potential to take our relationship with God to a whole new level. God loves, so God gives. We grow, as we learn to do the same.
Your Next S.T.E.P.S.
Engage in Christian Community
Jesus is all about relationships. He wants us to engage in Christian Community and form bonds with other believers. We encourage you to take steps to do just that. Whether that means joining our Parish, or if you’ve already done that, joining one of our Small Groups. Groups are 6-12 people who meet to discuss faith, go deeper in the weekly message, and support one another in their relationship with Christ.
Your Next S.T.E.P.S.
Practice Prayer & Sacraments
Prayer is vital to growing as a follower of Christ and knowing his presence in a very powerful way. By practice we mean that we do not see our prayer life as separate from our day to day living. People who experience the power of prayer connect it to the roles and responsibilities they play in life. Prayer is not something we have to do, but something we get to do.
Your Next S.T.E.P.S.
Share Your Faith
The best way we can love others is to introduce them to Jesus. He’s the reason for our hope and sharing that reason helps us grow in our faith. We believe it’s important for us to help people who don’t know Christ or are disconnected from Christ, come to know him and have a relationship with him. This is why we encourage you to invest in others and invite them to Church!
Our Stories
Brook and Derek's Story
Brook and Derek's Story
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