Traveler Stories

Michele’s Story

Kenya 2019

All gratitude and goodness to God

Nicole’s Story

Haiti 2019

The community was a true reflection of Christ living within them.

Gina’s Story

Guatemala 2022

God’s Time, Not Mine

Jeanette’s Story

Haiti 2016, Kenya 2019 and Guatemala 2022

The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable.

Erin’s Story

Kenya 2019 and 2023

All is done for God and through Him.

John’s Story

Haiti 2015

The Church is the source of all their joy.

Daniel’s Story

Haiti, Guatemala, Bahamas 2019 and 2022

What they lacked in material wealth did not deplete the richness they had in warmth and faith.

Pablo’s Story

Guatemala 2024

I got all the way down to the ground and met the kids eye to eye.

Amy’s Story

Haiti 2018

I closed my eyes and let the Holy Spirit move over me.

Steve’s Story

Kenya 2022

God was put first in all things.

Mia’s Story

Kenya 2017

We were generously welcomed into their homes and lives.

Karen’s Story

Kenya 2022, Guatemala 2024

I could feel the presence of God in the building.

Amy’s Story

Kenya 2022

God is Good, All the Time, For that is His Nature.

Gina’s Story

Kenya 2017, 2018 and 2023

Stepping outside of my comfort zone was the best part of the trip.